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Showing posts from March, 2011

See you at the Native Plant Sales, starts Tomorrow!

Well, we made it into the Everett Herald, thanks to the editors there! Plant sale benefits shelter for homeless families in Everett Picture of plants getting ready, by the new greenhouse at Glacier Peak High School. Students in biotech classes did the work! We are getting lots of help and interest in our project, and looking forward to a great sale on what is looking like a SPRING DAY after months of freezing, rain, rain, and more rain. The plants at volunteer's yards have all been fine over the winter, the native plants know how to shut down so to speak in the cold. Leaves turn red, wait for a while, then turn green again as it warms up. Here's what my Native Planter looks like now, recovering from winter. And yes, I did add some non-native pansies from the supermarket.