After three days of below freezing, and several nights in the teens (unusual for us), the natives in the planters and in one area are doing ok. Surviving, some green left, only real sign of the freeze is the fading leaves on the salmonberry. Here we have the highbush cranberry started last March showing leaves turning gold. Below is the fringe cup, leaves still green, beach strawberry, leaves still dark green, blue-eyed grass, oak fern & salal, barely visible but there. Will try to take another similar shot of this one every month till May. Here's another natives planter, with deer fern, evergreen huckleberry, a bit of sedum spathulifolium, more salal, and a cedar seedling. Finally, here's a patch of natives, with early blue violet, salmonberry, sword fern, blue-eyed grass, sedum oreganum, bunchberry , maidenhair fern, and others.
Gardening, Planting, Thinking, Reading, and Wondering about many things in the Convergence Zone north and east of Seattle.