AN ORGANIZATION FOR CLOTHESLINE USE While reading an article about a woman who had to get her landlord to change rules to let her use a clothesline, came across this website all about laundry and air drying. Project Laundry List is making air-drying and cold-water washing laundry acceptable and desirable as simple and effective ways to save energy. I've been using our little wooden clothes hanger all summer and am sorry now to have to start using the dryer some. But I still hang clothes inside on the thing. You can just leave the stuff there for days if you want to, don't have to run to empty the dryer and make sure its on the right cycle, etc. When we were in Haifa a few years ago everyone hung their stuff out to dry everywhere, just on the porches and decks of apartments. Just made it look like a lived-in neighborhood, nothing wrong with that. More friendly feeling, I think.
Gardening, Planting, Thinking, Reading, and Wondering about many things in the Convergence Zone north and east of Seattle.