FRONTLINE’s Poisoned Waters , airing Tuesday, April 21, 2009 "...growing environmental threat comes not from the giant industrial polluters of old, but from chemicals in consumers’ face creams, deodorants, prescription medicines and household cleaners that find their way into sewers, storm drains, and eventually into America’s waterways and drinking water." “We thought all the way along that [Puget Sound] was like a toilet: What you put in, you flush out,” says Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, who notes that about 150,000 pounds of untreated toxins find their way into Puget Sound each day. “We [now] know that’s not true. It’s like a bathtub: What you put in stays there.” No mention of SAVE OUR SALMON in the entire press release about the show. So not to worry.
Gardening, Planting, Thinking, Reading, and Wondering about many things in the Convergence Zone north and east of Seattle.