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Johnagolds still here

Thought I'd have cut this one down by now, but still working on it. Apple maggot bootie barriers Sticky traps catching the maggot flies Cardboard bands catching the leafroller flies looking to nest some where No plan things under, no ground covers, nothing but dirt and compost and good bugs I hope

“Being a Conscientious Gardener."

Here's a talk I wish I could attend: Dr. Sarah Reichard will speak on “Being a Conscientious Gardener." Dr. Sarah Reichard is a UW professor and Director of UW Botanic Gardens. Dr. Reichard's field of interest is restoration ecology and environmental horticulture. Her research has focused on biological invasion by non-native invasive species and on rare plant species. She will talk about her new book, The Conscientious Gardener. and this part, quoted in The soil biota may affect human health. A 2007 study by Christopher Lowry and Graham Rook suggests a reason why gardening feels so good: a bacterium naturally found in the soil, Mycobacterium vaccae, stimulates the human immune system to release serotonin. This hormone is used in anti-depressants to increase feeling of well-being. Some scientists even believe that our ever-increasing desire for cleanliness and...

Apple Trees, a problem plant in Western Wash

Trying to figure out what's eating leaves of the Johnagold apple, which I am giving one more year to get better. Cleaned out under, pruned heavily, opened canopy letting in light, much new leaf growth this spring. Leaf has signs of Leafroller: The larvae of the fruittree leafroller feed on leaves, flower parts, and sometimes young fruit. They are pale to dark green with a shiny black head and are about 3/4" long at maturity. Typical symptoms of leafroller feeding include leaves that are rolled and tied in place with webbing and shallow surface damage on the fruit. The caterpillars are active when disturbed, wiggling vigorously or dropping to the ground on a thread. Larvae are usually mature by the end of May, and adults may be found any time from early June to mid-August. The adult moth is 1/2" to 3/4" long and mottled tan and brown. Other leafrollers may also be found on apple. Other info is here: Yard/Garden Pests

North Creek Forest in Bothell

Be sure to keep an eye on this project: North Creek Forest, to obtain 64 acres of forest land just north of downtown Bothell, just south of us.

Net Zero Water, Seattle Elementary Demo Project

Here's a demo project that gets close to reusing all its water, or net zero water. "The classroom toilet composts and treats waste on site rather than flushing it into city sewer pipes. Water washed down sinks doesn't flow into storm drains but recirculates to a 14-foot-high wall filled with plants, which will eventually soak it all up. For now, excess flows through the wall. Plenty of "green" buildings strive to generate as much energy as they use, but Bertschi School's new science building is one of dozens nationwide taking it a step further. They're attempting to unplug from the municipal water and sewer system to collect, recycle and reuse water and wastewater on site, a concept often referred to as net zero water. The U.S. Army has a goal for several installations to reach zero water, energy and waste use, and last week it designated Fort Riley in Kansas, Camp Rilea in Oregon and Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, among others, to be...